Considered Living

A planned, considered plant based diet is rich in fibre and vitamins/minerals. It helps to reduce blood pressure and cholesterol, the risk of diabetes, cancer and heart disease. Its great for digestion and as an added bonus it makes your skin glow too!

Eating a plant based diet is not just good for our health, its good for the animals and its good for our planet. In fact if we were all to move away from animal-based foods we could significantly reduce carbon emissions and waste byproducts, use 50% less water and add approximately 50% to the global food supply using the cropland we already have. Quite simply its one of the best things you can do to help the environment.

P.s. Plant based food tastes great too!

We share our thoughts, ideas and recipes and answer any questions you might have if you’re thinking of starting a plant based diet.

Residential Course Dates Coming Soon…………

Susan and Mark eat only a plant based diet. For Susan It all started some time ago in a ‘Veganuary’ month, with the aim of addressing some thyroid/hormonal health issues. Armed with a few vegan cookbooks to get her started she soon realised there was no need to a few leaves like eat rabbit food or for my taste buds to suffer. Within a month she felt so good that she kept going and hasn’t looked back since. We have both experienced some unexpected and very welcome side effects - increased energy, increased good cholesterol, lowered bad cholesterol, glowing skin and perhaps best of all …..massively improved gut health.

Whilst enjoying all these health benefits Susan in particular started to immerse herself into the vast font of knowledge in print and online, and she soon learnt about the devastating environmental impacts of animal agriculture and the unnecessary suffering that goes hand in hand with industrial animal farming. It has been an eye opener for her, ‘an awakening’ she says.  Susan believes her decision to eat plant based foods is one of the best decisions she’d ever made!

Working in London occasionally she has been fortunate to be surrounded by an ever increasing array of tasty food options. This is now becoming more accessible everywhere as companies are investing in plant based alternatives and people are starting to realise that vegan food can be just as delicious without the need for meat and dairy. It’s an exciting time to be vegan!

Mark believes that you are what you eat and that unnecessary consumption of animal products is not as nature intended. Mark also feels that being aware of our environment and the suffering of others ( including animas) isn’t conduce with eating meat of dairy products.